Summer Cherry Salsa


Whoever thought up the idea of salsa should be knighted. Seriously. Salsa is one of those side dishes that can step up your main dish’s game, or be a palatable introduction to your dinner party. With summer officially here, cherries are in season and an amazing sweet-meets-tart contribution to your meal plan. Filled with antioxidants and inflammation inhibitors, cherries offer multiple health benefits, particularly for those with arthritis, diabetes, insomnia, family history of cancer, and/or high blood pressure. Continue reading

Scallion Crepes and Sautéed Shiitake Mushrooms


Whoever said you can’t have breakfast for dinner has obviously never had savory crepes. At a recent Hipcooks Dim Sum and Then Some class, I learned the power that is scallion crepes, and after making a gluten-free batter batch, I have some pre-made and ready to go for some joyful consumption. I’ll admit this recipe isn’t completely gluten free due to including hoisin sauce, but man it’s tasty! Continue reading

Cucumber-Wrapped Lox


Picture this: it’s Crafty Night at my house, friends are coming over in T-no time, and I have no appetizers prepared. What’s a girl to do? I pulled inspiration from the previous evening’s sushi making class, and thought of a visually pleasing, relatively quick snack: lox and cream cheese stuffed cucumber rolls. I feel so grateful that there’s a New Seasons just down the road from me, granting access to local, fresh vegetables meats and anything else to save a procrastinator like me. I picked up the ingredients to craft my masterpieces, and got rolling. Continue reading

Queso: Austin lives in Portland


Last week I had the privilege (and duty) to participate in my first SXSW Interactive Festival. It was a week filled with innovation, meet and greets, celebrity sightings (most notably Grumpy Cat, Mindy Kaling, Edward Snowden–by satellite, Snoop Dogg and George Takei) and tons of amazing food. I only visited Austin one other time, when I was introduced to the amazing signature dish of Texas: queso.

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Prosciutto wrapped manchego and persimmons


This is a delightful appetizer that will surprise and please any party guests. Persimmons are wonderful during the winter, but can be replaced with Roma tomatoes as the spring and summer come around. I have to give a big THANK YOU to Hipcooks for introducing me to this deliciousness.

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